Rabbit Hunting with Decker Hunting Terriers

 Hunting rabbits with Decker Hunting Terriers is quite a bit different than hunting them with Beagles. A Decker has a warm or hot nose, but won’t cold trail. If they are regularly hunted on rabbits, they will develop a colder nose, but will never hunt the same as a Beagle. Once they are on a hot track, you will see them get very excited, and when they have a rabbit in sight, many of them will give a pursuit yip while they chase. They are extremely athletic, and will occasionally catch a rabbit, but usually only in open ground. One great advantage is, if you have a small area to hunt, the Decker will only chase a rabbit 75 to 200 yards, depending on the dog, and then come back. It is much different than a Beagle which will trail the rabbit a long distance until it circles back to its home. 
 The best method of hunting rabbits with a Decker is similar to deer. Set people on stands along the path you plan to hunt, then one person come through with the dog or dogs. A Decker will hunt back and forth, and many of the rabbits will work out ahead of them. Those that hold tight will often flush, and the dog will give chase. The pursuit yip lets the hunters in the party know what is going on. It is an extremely exhilarating feeling when that pursuit yip sounds off! In areas with abundant rabbits, it is a very fast paced, thrilling hunt!

Ellis Decker and son with dogs on Rabbit
One of Ellis Decker's pups rabbit hunting                 Salali and her Rabbit catch