The Rat Terrier, in its many forms and origins has long served as a farm
and meat dog throughout the United States. Depending on locality and demand
of services this distinctly American canine has done everything from drive
cattle and chickens to their corrals and pens to baying wild hogs, flushing
birds, rabbits, providing varmint control and treeing practically every
small to medium sized mammal who has the tendency to seek asylum in trees,
when pursued by predators. Despite this fairly impressive resume the modern
Rat Terrier often receives flak when discussion of its’ treeing traits
are addressed. Why? There are a number of factors and half-truths that
have caused a lack of interest or belief for the matter for the treeing
Rat Terrier. First, let’s face it, it is often difficult enough to produce
and reproduce top quality dogs for a particular, specialized trait or traits
even when there is a sizable population of dogs to choose from and a good
number of hunting-breeders are selecting for that/those desired trait(s).
The Rat Terrier of today, is not specialized, for the most part, it seems
that his miniaturized kin (miniature and toy versions) are more common
and likewise pet qualities and other traits (color, ears, etc.) have been
given precedence over his hunting traits. Secondly, squirrel hunting of
true arboreal type squirrels is almost restricted to the eastern third
of the country. There are populations of arboreal, eating size squirrels
in the West but many of these are of fairly recent origin and are introduced
Eastern Grey and Fox Squirrels. Therefore, there had been little need,
until recently, to focus on breeding for treeing squirrel traits in the
West. Due to the lack of sizable arboreal squirrels, the Western, hunting
Rat Terriers developed to jump and flush various upland game birds, deer
and serve as par excellent varmint dog, while their working/hunting Southern
counterparts and to a somewhat variable/lesser extent, Eastern breeders/hunters
concentrated more heavily on the treeing aspect.
The Rat Terrier has a hunting style that not everyone can appreciate. He
hunts close making circular patterns and works his territory well. Some
hunters desire a dog that will go deep to be “assured” of a tree but likewise
some of those bee line slobber mouthed dog types often pass up on closer
squirrels hunting a half mile or better from their owner. I hunt hilly
and steep country and do not enjoy trying to get to a deep hunting dog
that is barking his head off before the squirrel timbers out or hits a
den tree, in either case, I am out some meat. I like my close hunting terriers
that are silent, until treed. In a day when hunting lands are increasingly
fragmented, the close hunting style and tendency to check back often and
fairly quickly is a definite plus for me anyway. If you want to walk AFTER
your dogs for a few miles then the Decker Hunting and Rat Terriers are
not for you but if you like a dog that will hunt WITH you and stay pretty
close then these dogs may be worth a look.
Lastly, and maybe most importantly, the Rat Terrier seems to take a little
longer to mature and finish out as a tree dog, when compared to curs and
even their relatives the treeing feists. I cannot say as to why there is
such a tendency in the dog, maybe it is because there has not been enough
pressure in selection or a long enough time has not elapsed in their selective
breeding but this appears to be a breed/type trait. It may easily take
a Rat Terrier three seasons and a lot of work, in order to become a good
squirrel dog. I am inclined to believe that the extra time it takes them
to mature is where a lot of folks have been turned off by them, giving
up on the terrier after a season or two. I enjoy these hunting terriers
and I think that they are a good, solid hunting type but likewise, I believe
that much can be added and reinforced through strict breeding and culling
practices in the sport or leisure activity of squirrel hunting. |